Reaching a Stalemate with Creativity

Reaching a Stalemate with Creativity When you set out on a creative quest—writing a book, biking cross-country, starting a business—you’re told it will take longer than expected. Somehow, you think the experience of others won’t quite hold true for you…...

Being in a Relationship with Yourself

Being in a Relationship with Yourself Does everything that feels creative eventually fall to a place that feels dead? My love for writing has grown disproportionately to my ability to understand what I’m doing along this timeline of being a writer. This time last...

When Do You Harvest Yourself?

When Do You Harvest Yourself? This August finds me in a whirlpool. It’s not always a bad thing. But it is a thing. You know the feeling?  Consolation comes from knowing that I was in this exact whirlpool last August, too.   Something about sensing life was about...

Feeling the Way You Feel

Feeling the Way You Feel One of the more annoying questions I ask myself is, “Yes, but do I really feel that way?” Why is this so annoying? At its root, it implies an attempt to be “connected” to myself. That seems innocent enough . . . right? But here’s a new idea...

Serene Minus the Serenity

Serene Minus the Serenity I’ve always believed that enlightenment means being serene in the face of everything. A financial loss won’t throw me. Tired mornings won’t throw me. A lover leaving won’t throw me. All these things I will smilingly accept once I find the...