Solitude Smacks

Solitude Smacks Occasionally there are days (like these) that fall upon me with all their weight, blind me with the reality that only a slight shift in perception would prove my life is not one, in fact, of freedom and whimsy, but one instead of isolation and...

Weekend Roundup: The Solitary Blogger Edition

Weekend Roundup: The Solitary Blogger Edition And the quest moves ever forward. Sorry I’m thinking/talking like that. (not sorry.) I’ve been re-reading Lord of The Rings and given the lack of outside social interaction, Tolkien’s verbiage has taken over my brain. Next...

Housesitting in Italy: First Nights Alone

Housesitting in Italy: First Nights Alone I am not proud to say that on this first day of seeing no fellow human, I greet the night with a certain fear rising in my blood. Alone, there will be no friend or parent calling or stopping by. No neighbor to hear a scuffle...