Mental Fog and Lost Desires

Mental Fog and Lost Desires The great thing about real fog—the misty, creeping stuff—is that you tend to know it’s there. You look out the window in the morning or descend a road into some rolling country valley and you know that you must treat the world, the outside,...

Lookbacks From a Blogger

Lookbacks From a Blogger The thing about this blog is that amid the reward of connecting with you (yes, you!) and “finding my voice,” I am also unable to avoid painful discrepancies in my work tendencies.  The history of my habits is written out here for all to see....

On the Anatomy of Feeling

On the Anatomy of Feeling Not with all the words in the world can we do ourselves justice. Not with a sentence or a talk or a video or a book can we do feelings that fill us any honorable service. How did I get here this morning? I couldn’t hear my thoughts. And I try...