Weekend Roundup: The Solitary Blogger Edition

Weekend Roundup: The Solitary Blogger Edition And the quest moves ever forward. Sorry I’m thinking/talking like that. (not sorry.) I’ve been re-reading Lord of The Rings and given the lack of outside social interaction, Tolkien’s verbiage has taken over my brain. Next...

I’m a Writer…Right?

I’m a Writer…Right? Last night I was talking with a fellow writer about those ego-crushing moments when I tell someone I’m a writer. We all know what comes next: “Oh, what have you written?” I muster all the confidence and courage I can and say: “I’m working on...

Friday Roundup: Writing Hacks Edition

Friday Roundup: Writing Hacks Edition This is what we call a Sunday roundup. I spent Friday from 4am until past 12am on Saturday either at an airport (16 hours) or in the sky (four hours).  I suppose I spent Saturday emerging from the rabbit hole. On days like...