by bossmeggan | being a writer
Solitude Smacks Occasionally there are days (like these) that fall upon me with all their weight, blind me with the reality that only a slight shift in perception would prove my life is not one, in fact, of freedom and whimsy, but one instead of isolation and...
by bossmeggan | being a writer
Book Proposals, Feelings, and Anticharities With romance, travel, and creative work, much of my time lately has been spent in the world of feelings. (Ugh, I know.) It’s a subjective place full of supposed intuition, consideration for others, and self-doubt toward this...
by bossmeggan | being a writer, inspiration
Remember, it’s Arbitrary—What Rules Rule You? When updating my Brainfoods page recently, I recalled one of my favorite quotes from Essentialism. “The ability to choose cannot be taken away or even given away—it can only be forgotten.” -Greg McKeown At first...
by bossmeggan | inspiration
The Essentials . . or Not. What Will You Miss? Sometimes, when you’re not watching, the mess grows into something too large to handle. Something has to be done. You stand there, arms akimbo, surveying the room. What’s to stay? What’s to go? Each item you...
Word on the street….