by bossmeggan | inspiration, musings
All Those Natural Colors Between Black and White I’m interested in the mind and writing of Derek Sivers (of CD Baby, TED, Tim Ferriss, and philosopreneur fame). He has a way of cutting to the heart center of things, making a point in the most concise manner...
by bossmeggan | being a writer, musings
Love Stuff and Creative Failings (Flailings?) Here’s the thing: I am 100% reluctant to write this post. I’m not blogging about love and stuff. I’m not a teenager anymore; you don’t want to see the things I was writing then. But the subject matter? Ohhh, I’m still...
by bossmeggan | being a writer, musings
On the Anatomy of Feeling Not with all the words in the world can we do ourselves justice. Not with a sentence or a talk or a video or a book can we do feelings that fill us any honorable service. How did I get here this morning? I couldn’t hear my thoughts. And I try...
by bossmeggan | inspiration, musings
Decision Fatigue: How Your Brain is (Surprisingly) Tired Are you that person who can stick to routine no matter what the circumstance? Who can set the phone down after a crisis call from your sister and then lace up for your afternoon run? Or wake up after your first...
Word on the street….