Laws of Balance: What is the Way You’ll Find?

Laws of Balance: What is the Way You’ll Find? Two white cats eat their lunch here before me. I’m watching them crouch up against their food as the black one shimmies against my leg asking me for a thing I cannot understand. And it’s a bit silly because they’re...

Distraction Daisies (it’s a thing now)

Distraction Daisies (it’s a thing now) Look, there is this life. And to fill in the vast interminableness of a space quite truly fleeting, we pepper it generously with “shoulds” and “should-nots”. I should do this, because that, et cetera, et cetera. Between the...

Where We Are and Aren’t

Where We Are and Aren’t Hiiiii, hey there.   Just wondering: Do I exist anymore? Fine, fine. Pinch me. Confirm what we both already knew: I’m still here. Still asking myself ridiculous questions about existence because folks, this is the type of thing that...

Weekend Roundup: The Solitary Blogger Edition

Weekend Roundup: The Solitary Blogger Edition And the quest moves ever forward. Sorry I’m thinking/talking like that. (not sorry.) I’ve been re-reading Lord of The Rings and given the lack of outside social interaction, Tolkien’s verbiage has taken over my brain. Next...

Friday Roundup: Seneca, Attachment, and Beets

Friday Roundup: Seneca, Attachment, and Beets It’s Friday. One great thing about this week is that after three weeks of fighting a cold I finally succumbed to an ear infection and….antibiotics. First time in over five years! And from an ear infection? I feel...