by bossmeggan | inspiration
Finding Time to Create When Life Is Full Question: How do you find time to create when life is full? Answer: Time isn’t found—it’s created. By you. Just like everything else. Yes, you’ve created it all—the job, the family, the friends, the...
by bossmeggan | being a writer, inspiration
The Flight and Funk of Creativity Last year, I departed Italy on October 31st. This year, I left for Italy on October 31st. I could get really heady about that and how it’s a day of death and renewal, but it’s likely just coincidence. Anyway, I’m back in...
by bossmeggan | being a writer, musings
Faith or Fool—What’s Fueling Your Work? Creatives. We speak of dreams, hope, expectations…But how does all that relate to faith? In this year of pursuing a career of creativity, one thing I’ve learned is how to keep working when there are only scraps to...
by bossmeggan | being a writer
Confusing Story with Reality: Repetition, Belief, and Truth In real life, don’t confuse story with reality. Story can be based in reality, and reality in story, but when the lines get crossed the track leads back to you. We’ve all spent time with...
by bossmeggan | being a writer
The Muse Myth: How Doth She Judge? It is when I return to the road that my habits and routines all fly out the window—thrown into a suitcase for later or simply left behind, abandoned. They’re recalled, at times—as the wheels cover road or wings cross mountains—with a...
Word on the street….