Being in a Relationship with Yourself

Being in a Relationship with Yourself Does everything that feels creative eventually fall to a place that feels dead? My love for writing has grown disproportionately to my ability to understand what I’m doing along this timeline of being a writer. This time last...

When Do You Harvest Yourself?

When Do You Harvest Yourself? This August finds me in a whirlpool. It’s not always a bad thing. But it is a thing. You know the feeling?  Consolation comes from knowing that I was in this exact whirlpool last August, too.   Something about sensing life was about...

Feeling the Way You Feel

Feeling the Way You Feel One of the more annoying questions I ask myself is, “Yes, but do I really feel that way?” Why is this so annoying? At its root, it implies an attempt to be “connected” to myself. That seems innocent enough . . . right? But here’s a new idea...

Serene Minus the Serenity

Serene Minus the Serenity I’ve always believed that enlightenment means being serene in the face of everything. A financial loss won’t throw me. Tired mornings won’t throw me. A lover leaving won’t throw me. All these things I will smilingly accept once I find the...

What Are You When You Grow Up?

What Are You When You Grow Up? What do you want to be when you grow up? Err, don’t answer that. You can spend a lifetime chasing after that question. Landing on something, asking if it’s right…wondering if you’ve made a mistake. Deciding to wait, stay, or try...