Laws of Balance: What is the Way You’ll Find?

Laws of Balance: What is the Way You’ll Find? Two white cats eat their lunch here before me. I’m watching them crouch up against their food as the black one shimmies against my leg asking me for a thing I cannot understand. And it’s a bit silly because they’re...

When a Place is Too Many Things

When a Place is Too Many Things Some places are things. They are the air breathed in and out by a sad man who misses his life because he forgets it’s still being lived. They are the mats of wisping hair, falling in troll hairdos off a dying dog’s coat, flying fairy...

First Days of Housesitting as a Writer

First Days of Housesitting as a Writer I stayed with Claudio for four days before he departed. It was too many days. He suggested I come early to get the lay of the land, but I soon realized that it was mainly because he was lonely. Which would have been fine if he...

Housesitting in Italy: First Nights Alone

Housesitting in Italy: First Nights Alone I am not proud to say that on this first day of seeing no fellow human, I greet the night with a certain fear rising in my blood. Alone, there will be no friend or parent calling or stopping by. No neighbor to hear a scuffle...