by bossmeggan | inspiration
Friday Roundup 2/3: What are Beta Readers? Ooooh buddy, ya ever just lose a week? No, probably not. No, because most of you have real lives and families and lovers and jobs and things that generally keep you accountable. Bravo, my friends. I feel envy. Maybe things...
by bossmeggan | being a writer, inspiration
How Freud has Influenced Your Career Path My psychologist friend told me this morning that he’s battling often with his superego. So, a quick primer: According to Freud, we have three ego components: 1. The Superego (“Above I”) This is our “parent” ego, the part that...
by bossmeggan | being a writer
How to Make Money on Upwork . . . I think? I am officially a paid writer. It feels good…but also bad. How do you make an income as a writer with no credentials? I am asking because . . . That’s me. The non-credentialed one. I began pursuing a writing career...
Word on the street….