by bossmeggan | being a writer, inspiration
Flow, Symbiosis, and Mastery: Can We Master Anything? We write and we believe through the act of writing we are being honest. The paper, to the pen, to the hand, the arm, the head, the brain. A straight line. Connected. Mind to output. But there are no straight lines...
by bossmeggan | being a writer
Are You Listening to What You Should Say? There is the paralysis of not knowing what to say— What should be said. What should be heard. And there is the freedom of simply saying— Of letting conscious thought recede while fingers come forth and take over. Like a rush...
by bossmeggan | being a writer, inspiration
“Act As If” The World is Your Oyster…and Maybe? Back in October, I set up a trip to a mountain-nestled town in Tuscany where I could housesit in beautiful isolation for a bit over three weeks. Having decided in August that I wished to transfer my...
by bossmeggan | being a writer, inspiration
Forget Writer’s Block, Let’s Talk About Life Block In my last post I kind of danced around this idea of having what I’ve come to realize is Life Block. Oh, wait, you’ve never heard of Life Block? Well look, you know what writer’s block is… Life...
Word on the street….