Self-Punishment: Why?

Self-Punishment: Why? There is a gal whom at various recurring intervals throughout the past year I’ve heard say, “I really need to quit my night job.”   She still hasn’t.   A guy I dated wrestles with daily anxiety over his poorly-trained dog, but has never read a...

The Standing Rock Pipeline: Facts before Takeoff

The Standing Rock Pipeline: Facts before Takeoff It’s 5 a.m. when I awake. I dreamed of a pipeline.   I could snooze another 40 minutes, but I need a pre-departure shower…   It may be my last in four days. I’ve camped before—festivals, farms, wilderness. But...

When a Place is Too Many Things

When a Place is Too Many Things Some places are things. They are the air breathed in and out by a sad man who misses his life because he forgets it’s still being lived. They are the mats of wisping hair, falling in troll hairdos off a dying dog’s coat, flying fairy...

Dogs, Death, and Being Alive

Dogs, Death, and Being Alive Day three and lo and behold, I awake happy, fresh. Make bed, drink water, meditate and mantra, yoga. The routine completed, I head down to feed the dogs.   Old three-legged Camilla had decided to pee and poop—again—in the house.   But this...