Self-Punishment: Why? There is a gal whom at various recurring intervals throughout the past year I’ve heard say, “I really need to quit my night job.” She still hasn’t. A guy I dated wrestles with daily anxiety over his poorly-trained dog, but has never read a...
Creative Responsibility, Giving back, and Standing Rock If you’re a creative (and whether you know it or not, you are), exploring that creativity is often the root of fulfillment. But producing creative work doesn’t guarantee value for others. Sometimes your art is...
The Standing Rock Pipeline: Facts before Takeoff It’s 5 a.m. when I awake. I dreamed of a pipeline. I could snooze another 40 minutes, but I need a pre-departure shower… It may be my last in four days. I’ve camped before—festivals, farms, wilderness. But...
Why Do Emotions Influence Space? Writer Science Edition I don’t want to excite the dogs further with an emotional goodbye. Trying to block out their barks of pre-adventure-anticipation, I scoot my bags out the door, give the house a final look-over, close the door...
When a Place is Too Many Things Some places are things. They are the air breathed in and out by a sad man who misses his life because he forgets it’s still being lived. They are the mats of wisping hair, falling in troll hairdos off a dying dog’s coat, flying fairy...
Dogs, Death, and Being Alive Day three and lo and behold, I awake happy, fresh. Make bed, drink water, meditate and mantra, yoga. The routine completed, I head down to feed the dogs. Old three-legged Camilla had decided to pee and poop—again—in the house. But this...
Word on the street….